JET 一般財団法人 電気安全環境研究所

Notification of Fees Revision for Wiring Devices (Jan 26, 2022)

Thank you for your support to JET.

This is to inform you that, for some of wiring devices with special structures, JET test fees will be revised on April 1, 2022.

(The revised fees will be applicable to the applications accepted from April 1, 2022)

Wiring devices with special structures refer to those ones with several switching structures, and/or with different shapes of blade receiving in one product. The related components test fee will be charged from the second switching structure or the second shape of blade receiving and will be based on the numbers of switching structures and blade-receiving shapes. For details, please contact with JET together with your product information.

We appreciate your understanding in advance. And we will keep doing our best to provide all of our customers with our best service.

Contacting Information

JET Tokyo Laboratory, Customer Service group
JET Kansai Laboratory, Customer Service group

各位尊敬的客户,非常感谢一直以来大家对JET 的支持与合作。

从2022年4月1日起, JET 将调整部分配线器具电气用品申请费用。在此日期以后受理的申请,将以新收费标准征收测试费用。

部分配线器具是指那些同一个产品上有不同开闭构造,及/或有不同插孔形状的产品。从第二个不同的开闭结构, 插孔形状开始算起,依个数收取相关零部件测试费。详细内容请提供产品信息与JET咨询确认。



JET 东京实验室,客户服务组